IMPORTANT NOTICE: Our travel cancelation insurance can only be booked by DACH countries citizens!
When you book a trip with us you have also the option to get a travel cancelation insurance. The insurance is only valid for services that have been booked with Action Sports Travel GmbH. It can be booked during the booking process, but no later than 30 days before the start of the trip. If there are less than 30 days between the booking date and the start of the trip, the travel cancellation insurance must be booked at the latest on the 3rd working day after the date of booking.
When choosing the insurance rate, it is important that the entire travel amount (excluding insurance) is covered, as we cannot accept sub-insurances. We reserve the right to adjust this in agreement with you.
If you cancel a booking or start a trip with a delay because of an insured reason, our insurance partner Hanse-Merkur will reimburse you for the contractually owed cancellation costs or additional travel costs.
Insurance covered reasons are e.g:
- Accidental injury
- Unexpected and serious illness
- Death
- Re-examination for failed school exams
- Non-promotion or change of school
No deductible! The only exception is out-patient treatment. In this case the deductible is 20% of the reimbursable damage, but at least €25 per insured person.